Anyway, back to my evos, the red one is a Mitsubishi Dealership Edition, made by Sunstar/Vitesse.
The white one is made by Kyosho and is a GSR version, with a total of 1008pcs made worldwide. Both are in excellent paint condition and the details are of superior quality.
Enjoy the pics!
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X by Sunstar/Vitesse

Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X by Kyosho

some group shots...

There is also 2 RALLIART versions of the evox, one is by Vitesse and the other by Kyosho also, but, I think those 2 will burn a very big hole in my pocket!!! hehehe!
They are so nice and worth to afford.. hehe
Very nice and beautiful pics... like the model too
thanks Tommi, and thanks also Hafizzul! :) :)
I'm digging the pics, Mike! They look great actually... You should see my point and shoot crappy cam.... Hehehehe. I love the white EVOX. I heard this rumour that Autoart will not produce the street version in 1:18 just the really version... Arghhhhh. That sucks right?
BTW, nice seeing you last sunday at the swapmeet!
Sorry, JUST THE RALLY VERSION ( not really version ). Sorry about that... LOL!
nice meeting you too Gene!! :)
yup, autoart might not release the evox in big scale, i hope Mattel will
release it soon, and in elite version
so it won't look crappy as there 100% versions.
thanks Gene! :)
It a great picture actually. And you have a great model too. Because of your pictures here, I search for one on eBay and I bought it.
Can't wait for it to arrive.
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